Wetzlar, Germany
Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, Senckenberg Research Institute und BUND/Friends of the Earth Germany
Cluj-Napoca, Romania
University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine
AG Kleinsäuger SGW
The five-day conference will be held at the Conference & Cultural Center
of the University of Patras, at the outskirts of the city. It will cover
all aspects of mammalian biology, such as Genetics, Evolution and
Phylogeography, Conservation Biology and Management, Landscape Ecology,
Population Dynamics, Diseases, Zoonoses and Parasites, Adaptations to
Climate Change, Behavioural Ecology, Human-Mammal Interactions, Urban
Ecology, and New Methodologies for Mammal Monitoring.
Patras, Greece
Hellenic Zoological Society, the European Mammal Foundation and Mammal Conservation Europe